Monday, 9 May 2016

Making the collars

The Collars are made from silicon and the colours represent the materials that would be used in actual manufacturing.

Monday, 2 May 2016

Promo Video

This is the promo video I created for Instagram as a very brief insight to the app

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Exploring Gamification in popular apps

Snapchat:  -Trophy System
                  -Holiday Announcements
                  - Customisables

Fitness Apps:  -Goals

Imgur: -Points system
            -Social Approval

Candy Crush: -Colourful
                       -Harder Levels
                       -Moving up map / Board

Nintendogs: -Care for pet

Games in general: -Extra Players
                              -More Levels
                              -X.P. points
                              -Play with friends
                              -Online Co-op
                              -Simple yet Hard
                              -Restrictions/ Unlockables
                              -Use of characters