Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Exploring Gamification in popular apps

Snapchat:  -Trophy System
                  -Holiday Announcements
                  - Customisables

Fitness Apps:  -Goals

Imgur: -Points system
            -Social Approval

Candy Crush: -Colourful
                       -Harder Levels
                       -Moving up map / Board

Nintendogs: -Care for pet

Games in general: -Extra Players
                              -More Levels
                              -X.P. points
                              -Play with friends
                              -Online Co-op
                              -Simple yet Hard
                              -Restrictions/ Unlockables
                              -Use of characters                      

Friday, 8 April 2016


Further research has led me to understand what makes people return to games and how to encourage people to keep going. This will be extremely helpful when designing my own app.     Gamification is the concept of applying game mechanics and game design techniques to engage and motivate people to achieve their goals. 

Peoples natural desire for Competition, Achievement, Status, Altruism and Community Collaboration. 5 Most common mechanics are Points, Badges, Levels, Leaderboards and Challenges

Wednesday, 6 April 2016


In 2014, 53% of all dogs were considered obese. There are over 42 million dogs in the world meaning over 21 million dogs are obese. This is an issue that needs to be addressed. 

Companion is a fitness brand that aims to eliminate obesity in dogs by encouraging fitness in both owner and pet. Using a smart wristband and smart collar combined with a fitness app, companion aims to promote healthy lifestyles for dogs and their owners everywhere.

Monday, 4 April 2016

Logo and Brand exploration

During the concept phase i had a number of different ideas that i felt were strong enough to bring forward, yet i needed a way to tie them together. This is when i decided to brand the concept. Through many different iterations i came to the following designs. I want the logo to encompass the symbiosis that this project will show between man and beast.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Inspirations and Competitors

Mood Board

Through research i have learned and understand what details are necessary for a fitness app to ave. Heart rate , steps counted and calories burned as well as how they should be displayed. Through research i also learned that there are no smart devices when it comes to fitness in pets.